Booktuber video reviews, for and by teens!

booktubeHave you heard of Booktube or Booktubers? Booktube is an online book community found on YouTube. This fast-growing community is made up of individuals who refer to themselves as Booktubers. Booktubers record themselves reviewing books in fun and creative ways. Their videos are often filled with energy and are highly entertaining! I love watching Booktuber videos for book suggestions and also because their videos are never dull! Here are some of my favorite Booktubers on YouTube for teens in grades 6-12.


AbookUtopia is run by Booktuber Sasha. What I love about her channel is how much energy she puts in to her reviews. You can learn about new or upcoming books through her sketches and vlogs. Sasha reviews books from a wide array of different genres for teen readers. You can’t help but get excited about every book she reviews. Also, Sasha (with author Lindsay Cummings), just published her first book for teens, called Zenith.

JesseTheReader is a self proclaimed book warrior! His book reviews are so much fun and great for boys and girls. Jesse’s Booktube channel includes book reviews and fun collaborations with other Booktubers in the community. Jesse also reviews books for children and adults. One of the things I like about this Booktuber is that he wasn’t a big reader until he discovered the Booktube community. This book-loving community inspired him to start reading and now Jesse is one of the most followed Booktubers on Youtube!


Peruse Project comes from the amazing and ever-so-classy Regan! This Booktuber is great for teens that are looking for a new and challenging read. Her book reviews dive deep in to what the book was about and she often discusses key concepts from the book. Her reviews give watchers a lot to think about and are so much fun to watch.  She reviews books primarily for teens, but also for children and young adults.

-Contributed by Dominique, Youth Services Librarian



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