The Great Library Series Turned My Tween Son into a Reader – Brightly

“No parent likes to hear that their child hates to read. That is especially painful when you work in book publishing. When all of my son’s friends were binge-reading Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, he wanted nothing to do with it.

I brought home book after book in the hope that something would pique my son’s interest and nothing ever did. I would quiz other parents to see what their kids were reading and order those books. They sat in the living room completely untouched.”

and . . . and . . . then what???? Well, there IS a hopeful ending to this story. Read on for the resolution in the post “The Great Library Series Turned My Tween Son into a Reader” from our friends at Brightly, a great reading site for parents and other friends of kids.

If you’re intrigued with the series, why not check out the books? Try them – for free – with us!

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