November Writing Contest Entry: Ashley

Kids and teens in grades K-12 – submit a short story (500 words or less) between November 1 and November 30 for the National Novel Writing Month Contest (NaNoWriMo) for your chance to win some prizes or the chance to have your entry featured on our LPL Books and Beyond blog!

Submit your story online

This writing contest entry comes from Ashley! Check out the story below.

Lily Gets a Pet

By Ashley, 2nd Grade

Lily likes to collect trash and make useful items. One day she found a plastic bottle on the ground. She took it home and asked her mom to help make a bird feeder with sticks for the birds to sit on.

They punched holes on the bottom so that the water would drain out of the bottle. Next, they punched more holes for two pencils to stick into the bottle. Then they cut holes above the pencils so the birds can eat the seeds inside the bottle. Last they punched little holes into the top of the bottle for a string to go through it. All kinds of birds flew to the bottle on the branch of a tree in Lily’s backyard.

One day a bird came to Lily’s bedroom window and asked her if he could be her pet. She said maybe. The bird went back to his home and waited. Lily asked her parents if she could have a pet bird. Her parents said yes if she cleaned the cage every day. Lily agreed.

The next day the bird went back to Lily’s house as asked her if he could be her pet. Lily said “YES!” Lily bought a cage and named her new pet Playful.

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