Happy Earth Day 2020!

Happy Earth Day 2020! Earth Day is every day, and anywhere you are! This year Earth Day is going digital, so here are a few ideas from Sarah on how you can participate online and at home!

  1. Visit the Earth Day website and learn about their 24 Hours of Action!
  2. Make signs or write on your sidewalks using chalk what you love about the earth.
  3. Participate in the Climate Ribbon virtual project. Find a piece of ribbon that is about 2 feet long. Write a phrase on the left side of your ribbon with a Sharpie or other waterproof marker. Add your ribbon to a tree in your community, send it to a friend, tie it to a fence — there is no wrong way to make a Climate Ribbon! Share photos online of your Climate Ribbon with the tag #climateribbon!
  4. Check out the Earth Day Live Stream!
  5. Visit the Lafayette Public Library online and check out an ebook to learn more about our planet and what you can do to take care of it!
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