Your Library Story: Libraries have uplifted my life

I have always loved libraries – in San Diego, Ca and Lafayette, CO and surrounding areas. My dad was a teacher and taught me to read early so that I read generally 2-3 years above my grade level. And what a magical escape ! Life was bumpy at home so libraries really uplifted me. Later, I worked at The San Diego Public Library and was thrilled to find out about new books earlier than many! Next, I have very fond memories of taking my small sons and checking out the MAXIMUM number of children’s books to enjoy with them. What special times we shared – with mommy making all the sound effects. : ) Upon moving to this area, I of course started visiting Lafayette library. I enjoy the selection, art exhibits, the book sales, and the cultural programs. I have worked my way through most of the biographies, I think, and many of the art books. What I enjoy about the art books, is that I can increase my artistic skills without having to buy a lot of expensive art books. I also like the fact that I can read out front on a nice day or take my books over to the little neighborhood park. All in all. Lafayette Library has a lot to offer and I am thankful for the joy books have brought to me and my sons.

-Linda M.

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